Indonesian Journal of Theology (IJT)

Indonesian Journal of Theology (E-ISSN: 2339-0751) adalah sebuah jurnal teologi yang dipublikasi oleh ATI. IJT digagas dengan tujuan memperkaya diskursus teologi antar teolog-teolog antar-denominasi dan antar-iman, terutama di konteks Indonesia. Selain itu, kami juga ingin berkontribusi kepada diskursus teologis yang lebih luas di kekristenan global saat ini, khususnya di konteks Asia, dengan mempublikasikan karya-karya dari penulis dari seluruh dunia. Kami menerima kontribusi dari sarjana-sarjana dalam bidang teologi, studi agama-agama, dan bidang-bidang terkait lainnya.

Seluruh artikel IJT dapat diakses secara bebas dan gratis di Adapun Artikel terbaru dari IJT dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut:

  • by Tedi Kholiludin
    This article examines the history of Christianity in Tegal as the place where the Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Zendingsvereeniging (NGZV) first worked in Central Java in 1862. Aart Vermeer, whom the NGZV sent, opened a new area in north Tegal and established a Javanese Christian community there. Growth was insignificant until 1904 when Neukirchener Mission, or De […]
  • by Juliana Agusthina Tuasela
    This article delves into the unique role of music as a therapeutic tool in ancient Israel, with a focus on the biblical account of music therapy healing Saul (1 Samuel 16:14-23). This study attempts to explore and question the relationship between music, healing, and religion. This study aims to: first, to interpret the text of […]
  • by Erman Sepniagus Saragih
    This article questions the stereotypes of women in the Tolu Sahundulan Lima Saodoran (TSLS) kinship system in Simalungun, which is conspired by constructing patriarchal theology and intertwining it to form a collective consciousness. The reinterpretation was carried out to stimulate awareness that women are not only placed in a definitive meaning function based on traditional […]
  • by Ira D. Mangililo
    This paper explores the existence of eunuchs in ancient Israel and the Israelites? reception of them in the postexilic period. Using a postcolonial approach, this paper analyzes the ambiguity of the identities of foreigners and eunuchs, the liminal position they occupy in the Israelite community, the stereotypes they receive, and God?s actions to create a […]
  • by August Corneles Tamawiwy
    This article proposes theopoetics as an alternative to theology. It explores the distinction between ?theo-poetics? and ?theo-poetry,? elucidating the poetic (poiesis) aspects absent in theo-poetry. While theo-poetry employs theological language poetically and metaphorically, theo-poetics delves into poiesis as a reflection on the creation of meaning concerning the divine (theos), thereby supplanting logos in theo-logy. Theopoetics […]
  • by Denni Boy Saragih
    This study presents a pioneering dialogue between Karl Barth?s Christian theology and Islamic theological perspectives in the Indonesian context, focusing specifically on the concept of universal salvation. The primary interlocutors are Nurcholish Madjid, interpreting Ibn Taymiyya, and Karl Barth?s theology. Barth?s universalism envisions an inclusive future for humanity, elaborated in Barth?s exposition of the theme […]
  • by Steve G. C. Gaspersz
    A book review of The New Heretics: Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity.
  • by Salomo Sihombing
    A book review of Friendship and Virtue Ethics in the Book of Job.