Indonesian Journal of Theology (IJT)

Indonesian Journal of Theology (E-ISSN: 2339-0751) adalah sebuah jurnal teologi yang dipublikasi oleh ATI. IJT digagas dengan tujuan memperkaya diskursus teologi antar teolog-teolog antar-denominasi dan antar-iman, terutama di konteks Indonesia. Selain itu, kami juga ingin berkontribusi kepada diskursus teologis yang lebih luas di kekristenan global saat ini, khususnya di konteks Asia, dengan mempublikasikan karya-karya dari penulis dari seluruh dunia. Kami menerima kontribusi dari sarjana-sarjana dalam bidang teologi, studi agama-agama, dan bidang-bidang terkait lainnya.

Seluruh artikel IJT dapat diakses secara bebas dan gratis di Adapun Artikel terbaru dari IJT dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut:

  • by Anita Rushadi Simatupang
    A book review of Evangelism as Storytelling: A Reconstruction of Evangelism from a Feminist Postcolonial Missiological Perspective.
  • by Amelia Eno Nabilah
    A book review of God at War: A Meditation on Religion and Warfare
  • by Andri Vincent Sinaga
    A book review of Toward an Embodied Decolonial Pneumatology: Dishoming Space.
  • by Christian Arisandi Kiding Allo
    This article explores the concept of eternal punishment in light of the Christocentric universalism Karl Barth outlines in his seminal work Church Dogmatics. While Barth explicitly rejects the doctrine of apokatastasis, his treatment of election and reconciliation suggests that salvation is already accomplished for humanity, rendering eternal damnation unnecessary. Using a literature review methodology, this […]
  • by Khurshid Khan
    A book review of Prophet al-Khidr: Between the Quranic Text and Islamic Contexts.
  • by Randy Frank Rouw
    The brief narrative of Ham seeing Noah?s nakedness (Gen 9:20-27) has been interpreted by some as a text that can be used against homosexuality. This interpretation is unsurprising given the numerous exegetical traditions that characterize Ham?s action as sexual perversion, informed by a theory of voyeurism that frames Ham looking upon Noah?s nakedness with lustful […]
  • by Frans Paillin Rumbi, Yosef Sulle
    The Darul Islam/Indonesian Islamic Army (DI/TII) rebellion in South Sulawesi (1951-1965) left scars in the collective memory of the predominantly Christian region of Seko Lemo. This study examines how these traumatic memories have shaped local reconciliation processes. Taking a phenomenological approach, we conducted interviews with first- and second-generation survivors to understand the dynamics of Christian-Muslim […]
  • by Marlen Tineke Alakaman
    The 21st-century church faces both opportunities for growth and significant ministerial challenges that demand thoughtful response. While many contemporary churches continue to operate within categorical, formalistic models characterized by routine practices, these approaches often prove insufficient for addressing modern church issues. This study examines the intersection of Peter Menconi?s concept of the intergenerational church and […]
  • by Musdodi Frans Jaswin Manalu
    This study examines the development of online church amid the challenges faced by Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) Maranatha Cilegon in constructing a physical or offline church due to local restrictions. As a case study, it investigates the establishment of online church as an alternative measure to the rejection of building non-Muslim houses of worship […]
  • by Rasid Rachman
    This article examines the critical yet understudied phenomenon of church worship services for congregants experiencing physical injury. While general worship practices have received extensive scholarly attention, the spatial and liturgical needs of wounded individuals?who worship alongside the general congregation?remain largely unexplored. These congregants, who bear wounds resulting from the actions of others and themselves alike, […]