“Christianity Study for Muslim Scholars” is an initial project to train Muslim scholars in the knowledge of Christianity from Christian perspective. There are Christians who expert in Islamic studies. There are also programs to train Christians in deeper knowledge of Islam through live-in in Pesantren (Islamic traditional boarding school) or interfaith retreat for peace. However, it is still hard to find a program that is dedicated to study Christianity from Christian point of view for Muslim where theological dialogue occurs and facilitated throughout the program. This program is initiated to be the last category. It is a unique program that combines live-in, intensive study, and excursive learning for Muslim students who are willing to study Christianity in a deeper manner. The program was successfully held in cooperation with Jakarta Theological Seminary (JTS), who also acts as the host, from 14th to 19th of November 2013. Ten Muslim students, six women and four men, from two different Islamic educational institutions in Semarang and Bandung, gathered as participants and learnt some important aspects of Christianity. We also have four students of JTS to act as volunteer and local committee for the whole program.
All participants had to submit one page reflection of what do they think on Christianity based on personal experience. Five participants (four women and one man) came from Islamic State University (UIN) Gunung Djati, Bandung. All of them are in their third-year or higher. They are part of Bandung’s interfaith network called JAKATARUB so previously they had been taken part in some interfaith events. The other five participants (three men and two women) came from Islamic State Institute (IAIN) Wali Songo, Semarang. Same as the other group, they are in the third-year or higher. Some of them work with eLSA (Institute of Religious Studies) who were also had joined some interfaith events. Looking at their background, they are not beginner in interfaith activities. However, from the first meeting they had announced their expectations of knowing deeper theological knowledge on Christianity as the biggest reason to join this program. In their evaluation form, they states how this program has been instrumental in gaining better understanding of Christianity plus personal transformation for meeting many new friends.
The participants lived among the first-year students who lived in the seminary’s dormitory for several days as a mean of living an interfaith engagement. There they shared rooms and meals while also participates in all the dorm’s activities such as night worship and activity, sport, and so on. The participants became an integral part of the community and create a bond as family.
Besides real experience of live and sincere dialogue with friends, the participants also learnt about Christianity in academic ways through eight seminar sessions. Each session was led by JTS’s faculty member. These sessions are proved to be effective in deepening participants’ knowledge on Christianity, especially on some sensitive issues such as the Trinity and Christ. From the evaluation by the participants, it is clear that the material given to them is very useful.
Next, the participants had an experience in local congregation where they observed Sunday worship in three different churches. Furthermore, they had conversation with the representative from the churches and study some aspects of church life and ministry.
Sesi 1 – Mengenal Alkitab Perjanjian Lama
(Pdt. Yonky Karman, Ph.D.)

Sesi 2 – Mengenal Alkitab Perjanjian Baru
(Bambang Subandrijo, Ph.D.)
Sesi 3 – Mengenal Keragaman Denominasi Gereja
(Hans A. Harmakaputra, M.A. & Toar B. Hutagalung, M.T.S.)
Sesi 4 – Mengenal Ibadah Kristen
(Ester Pudjo Widiasih, Ph.D.)

Sesi 5 – Mengenal Misi Kristen
(Pdt. Septemmy Lakawa, Th.D.)
Sesi 6 – Mengenal Kristologi
(Pdt. Binsar J. Pakpahan, Ph.D.)
Sesi 7 – Mengenal Trinitas
(Pdt. Joas Adiprasetya, Ph.D.)


Kebersamaan dengan mahasiswa/i STT Jakarta
Kegiatan CSMS 2013 terselenggara berkat kerja keras panitia. Berikut adalah susunan panitia:
- Hans A. Harmakaputra – Ketua Panitia
- Toar B. Hutagalung – Sekretaris Umum
- Isabella Novsima Sinulingga – Bendahara
- Eunike Trikayasuddhi – Koordinator Lapangan
- Ujun Junaedi – Koordinator Lapangan
- Abraham Suriadikusumah – Transportasi dan Publikasi
- Krista Kezia Dorothea – Konsumsi